
2 Minutes That Will Change Your Future

August 22, 2012 3:45 pm

Hi again!

Firstly I would like to thank all of you who gave me the great feedback on my last blog “How Long Can You Afford to Live?”. It was great to meet up with a client this week who actually acted upon what he read and came in to see me. For those of you who did not read it, please take the time to do so after this blog. It may reinforce the reasons for what you are already doing or it may prompt you to take further action to secure your financial future.

This leads me onto the “2 Minutes That Will Change Your Future” video produced by the Financial Planning Association of Australia. This video succinctly illustrates the essence of, and need for, professional financial advice, and how it can help you achieve your financial and lifestyle goals. It is particularly relevant to family or friends who may not know how having an Adviser can help. Please feel free to forward the link to the SPS Blog to anyone who you may think would benefit from our advice. We would be more than happy to meet with them to determine if we can help.

Lastly, for those of you who would like to meet to discuss your current progress and direction, please feel free to arrange a time to see us so we can help you with your Planning for Life!

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