
Federal Budget 2019-20 Comments and Summary

April 3, 2019 2:59 pm

Last night’s Federal Budget, was quite level headed, especially considering that we are about to go to the polls. The Coalition could have gone on a spending
spree to ‘butter us up’, but they chose to not to. A government, or any household for that matter, can’t continue to use their credit card year after
year and expect to have a sound financial future. Deficit budgets are just like that, where more money is spent by the government than the income it
receives (tax revenue). There are times when the economy may need to incur debt to help it through periods of economic slowdown, when it requires stimulus,
but it can do that forever. Moving forward the Coalition, if re-elected, is aiming to generate consecutive surplus budgets until Australia’s debt is

Only time will tell!

Please follow this link to the Challenger Federal Budget Report 2019-20 to see
what it means for you.

As always, please feel free to contact us to discuss how you may benefit or be impacted by the proposed